
Nov 16, 2015

animated flag

Oct 21, 2015

Pengenalan MM

Dear Students...
plss go the link to download notes


Sep 2, 2015

Jun 2, 2015

KOM 3283

GOoD LUCK for final exam,

theres 2 part in the exam, which is

Section A,  and Section B

Section A is the objective question while Sction B is Structure Question.
All question will cover the syllabus, but do advise to cover for

bitmap and Vector graphics
linear and non linear multimedia
Stages in multimedia development ( budget/ gantt chart/ time line/ schedule/responsibilities etc..
authoring tools
digital audio, and audio format  i.e: WAV/ MIDI/MP3 etc...

and so on... do memories... and study...

dont forget to update the website... tq

May 21, 2015

KOM 3283 - pembangunan multimedia _animated book

contoh interactive book

how to link button
how to create page
leaf motion

May 14, 2015

KOM 3283 - PEMBANGUNAN MULTIMEDIA - Animation Tutorial

Due date :  Monday  18 May 2015

Do read Animation storyline  - Story 3


a.     Characters
                                                  i.      main character
a.     Protagonist
b.     Antagonist
b.     Extras
c.      Theme
d.     Setting
                                                  i.      Time
                                                ii.      Place
e.     Value
f.       plot

B.     Draw each main characters

C.     Draw background of main scenes

May 13, 2015

animation storyline - story 5

The Elves and the Shoemaker

A shoemaker, by no fault of his own, became so poor that at last he had nothing left but enough leather for one pair of shoes.
So in the evening, he cut the leather into the shape of the shoes, and he left his work on the table to finish in the morning. He lay down quietly in his bed, and before he fell asleep he asked God to help him.
In the morning, just as he was about to sit down to work, he saw the two shoes standing quite finished on his table.
He was astounded, and did not know what to make of it.
He took the shoes in his hands to look at them them more closely and he saw that they were so neatly made that there was not one bad stitch in them. It just as if they were intended as a masterpiece.
Soon after, a customer came in to the shop, and as the shoes pleased him so well, he paid more than the usual price. Now the shoe maker had enough money to buy leather for two pairs of shoes.
That night, he cut out the leather. Next morning he was about to set to work with fresh hope for the future when he saw that the shoes were already made.
There was no shortage of customers who wanted the shoes. The shoemaker soon had enough to buy leather for four pairs of shoes.
The following morning he found the four pairs made; and so it went on. Any leather that he cut out in in the evening was finished by the morning,
Soon he was no longer poor, and he even became quite rich.
Now one evening not long before Christmas, the man finished cutting out the leather as usual. But this time he said to his wife, “Let’s stay up to-night to see who it is that lends us this helping hand?”
The woman liked the idea, and lighted a candle, and then they hid themselves in a corner of the room, behind some clothes which were hanging up there, and watched.
When it was midnight, two little elves came into the room, both without any clothes on, and sat down by the shoemaker’s table. They took all the work which was cut out before them and began to stitch, and sew, and hammer so skillfully and so quickly with their little fingers that the shoemaker could not turn away his eyes for astonishment.
They did not stop until all was done, and stood finished on the table, and then they
ran quickly away.
Next morning the woman said, “The little men have made us rich, and we really must show that we are grateful for it. They run about so, and have nothing on, and must be cold. I’ll tell you what I’ll do: I will make them little shirts, and coats, and vests, and trousers, and knit both of them a pair of stockings, and you can help too – make them two little pairs of shoes.”
The man said, “I shall be very glad to do it;” and one night, when everything was ready, they laid their presents all together on the table instead of the cut-out work. Then hid themselves to see what the little men would do.
At midnight they came bounding in, and wanted to get to work at once, but as they did not find any leather cut out, but only the pretty little articles of clothing, they were at first puzzled, and then delighted. They dressed themselves very quickly, putting the pretty clothes on, and singing,
“Now we are boys so fine to see,
Why should we longer cobblers be?”

Then they danced and skipped and leapt over chairs and benches. At last they danced out of doors. From that time one they came no more, but as long as the shoemaker lived all went well with him, and all his business prospered.

Animation storyline - story 4

Tersebutlah kisah nun jauh di pedalaman, tinggalnya seorang pemotong kayu yang tua dan miskin. Adapun kemampuannya hanyalah mencari rezeki dengan menebang pokok yang sederhana besarnya untuk dijual sebagai kayu api. Hanya isterinyalah peneman hidup saban hari tanpa dikurniakan anak.
Dijadikan cerita, takdirnya pada suatu pagi.......

Pergilah si tua tersebut jauh ke hutan untuk menebang pokok untuk dibuat kayu api. Tidak seperti kebiasaannya, kali ini si isteri tidak dapat menemani si suami kerana sakit.

Maka ke hutanlah si tua seorangan awal pagi sebelum terbit mentari untuk mencari kayu api. Seharianlah si tua menebang pokok dengan kapak besinya yang telah uzur seuzur usianya.... Sehinggalah kepenatan tidak jua dia berhenti.....

Tiba-tiba... genggamannya semakin lemah lalu terlepas kapak kesayangan dari tangannya lalu tercebur kedalam sungai yg dalam. Menangis sayulah si tua kerana kehilangan kapak yang menjadi punca rezeki... hendak terjun mencari takut disambar arus... meratap lah ia mengenangkan nasib...
Maka...bersimpatilah pari-pari dilangit melihat kegundahan si tua tersebut.... lalu turunlah ia bertanya... "wahai orang tua... kenapa bersedih hati"...
Dengan nada perasaan takut dan terkejut diperamati benar-benar, maka tahulah dia si pari-pari telah turun kebumi menyapakan....lalu diceritakan apa yang berlaku...

"Baiklah..akan kubantu mencari kapak engkau yang tenggelam"... lalu dengan serta merta terjunlah si pari-pari ke dalam sungai.... selang beberapa minit timbul lah kembali si paripari sambil mebawa kapak emas lalu dihulur kepada situa.... Dengan sedih jawab situa "..bukan..ini bukan kepunyaan hamba...tidak mampu hamba memiliki kapak emas ini"....

Lalu terjunlah sekali lagi si pari-pari ke dalam sungai dan timbul kembali bersama kapak perak. Tidak jua mengaku si tua kerana itu bukan kapak miliknya. Sekali lagi si pari-pari terjun lalu membawa pula kapak gangsa. Tidak juga si tua itu menerimanya sehinggalah si pari-pari membawakannya kapak besi yang uzur.

Maka apabila terpandang akan kapak itu...giranglah hatinya kerana itulah kapak miliknya. Lalu si pari-pari menyerahkan kapak tersebut kepada si tua. Sebagai balasan kejujuranya kapak emas, perak dan gangsa turut dihadiahkan.
Pulanglah si tua dengan hati yang gembira. Sesampainya ke rumah lalu diceritakan kepada isterinya apa yang berlaku. Si isteri turut bergembira dengan kejujuran suaminya.

Keesokan harinya isteri si tua itupun sihat...

Animation storyline - story 3

Lazy Jack
Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack, and he lived with his mother in a dreary cottage. They were very poor, and the old woman earned a few pennies by spinning, but Jack was so lazy that he would do nothing but bask in the sun in the hot weather, and sit by the corner of the fire in the winter time. His mother could not make him do anything for her, and until at last she warned him that if he did not begin to work for his porridge, she would turn him out of the house to get his living as best he could.

This threat finally stirred Jack, and he went out and found a job for the day working for on a farm. The farmer paid him one penny, but he was not used to having money, and as he was coming him he lost it as he passed over a stream. “You stupid boy,” said his mother, “you should have put it in your pocket.” “Next time I will,” replied Jack.
The next day Jack went out again, and found a job with a cowkeeper, who gave him a jar of milk for his day’s work. Jack took the jar and put it into the large pocket of his jacket, spilling it all, long before he got home. “Dear me!” said the old woman; “you should have carried it on ‘ head.” “Next time I will,” replied Jack.
The following day Jack found a job with a farmer, who agreed to give him a cream cheese for his work. In the evening, Jack took the cheese, and went home with it on his head. By the time he got home the cheese was completely spoiled, part of it being lost, and part matted with his hair. “You good-for-nothing boy,” said his mother, “you should have carried it very carefully in your hands.” “Next time, I will,” replied Jack.
The day after this Jack again went out, and found a job with a baker, who would give him nothing for his work but a large tomcat. Jack took the cat, and began carrying it very carefully in his hands, but in a short time Tommy scratched him so much that he was forced to let it go. When he got home, his mother said to him, “You silly fellow, you should have tied it with a string, and dragged it along after you.” “Next time I will” said Jack.
The next day Jack hired himself to a butcher, who rewarded his labours by the handsome present of a shoulder of lamb. Jack took the meat, tied it to a string, and trailed it along after him in the dirt, so that by the time he had got home the meat was completely spoilt. His mother this time completely lost her patience with him, for the next day was Sunday, and she had to make do with cabbage for her dinner. “You nincompoop,” said she to her son, “you should have carried it on your shoulder” “Next time I will,” replied Jack.
On the Monday, Jack went out once more, and found a job with a cattle keeper, who gave him a donkey for his trouble. Although Jack was very strong, he found some difficulty in hoisting the donkey on his shoulders, but at last he managed it, and began walking slowly home with his prize. Now it happened that in a house along his way there lived a rich man with his only daughter, a beautiful girl, but unfortunately deaf and dumb; she had never really laughed in her life, and the doctors said she would never recover till somebody made her laugh.

Many tried without success, and at last the father, in despair, said he would offer her in marriage to the first man who could make her laugh. This young lady happened to be looking out of the window when Jack was passing with the donkey on his shoulders, the legs sticking up in the air, and the sight was so comical and strange, that she burst out into a great fit of laughter, and immediately recovered her speech and hearing. Her father was overjoyed, and kept his promised by marrying her to Jack, who was thus made a rich gentleman. They lived in a large house, and Jack’s mother lived with them in great happiness until she died.

Animation storyline - story 2

Berkawan Biar Seribu

Di dalam sebuah hutan, tinggallah binatang-binatang yang hidup bermuafakat di antara satu sama lain. Mereka saling tolong menolong dan sentiasa hidup di dalam keadaan yang aman damai.

Pada suatu hari, tupai ingin mengadakan majlis harijadi di rumahnya. Beberapa hari sebelum itu ia telah sibuk melakukan persiapan untuk meraikan ulangtahunnya itu. Kad-kad jemputan juga telah diedarkan kepada seluruh isi hutan. Lagipun si tupai itu sudah rindu untuk berjumpa dengan rakan-rakannya untuk bertukar-tukar pendapat.

Bila tiba harinya, tupai kelihatan sibuk membersihkan halaman rumahnya dan menyusun kerusi meja. Disapunya daun-daun kering yang berselerakan di halaman rumahnya dan dibakar semua sampah sarap yang ada. Setelah puas hati semuanya bersih si tupai berkata di dalam hatinya. "Sekarang semuanya sudah bersih, dan sekarang aku akan menyiapkan hidangan untuk para tetamu pula."

Dengan berhati-hati dibantu oleh keluarganya, tupai mengeluarkan hidangan dan meletakkannya di atas meja. Bermacam-macam jenis kuih telah disediakan. Tanpa disedari oleh tupai di dalam ia sibuk menghidangkan makanan di halaman rumah, ada sepasang mata sedang mengintainya dari atas pokok. Setiap kali tupai membawa makanan dari dapur, setiap kali itulah monyet yang di atas pokok itu gelisah.

Sebenarnya monyet itu memang terkenal dengan sikapnya yang tidak suka bergaul dan suka pula mencuri. Monyet menunggu peluang sehingga tupai siap menghidang makanan. Apabila saja tupai masuk ke dalam rumahnya, monyet cepat-cepat turun dari pokok tempat persembunyiannya. Kemudian dengan cepatnya dia mencuri makanan yang ada di atas meja dan lari semula di belakang pokok melihat bagaimanakah reaksi tupai seterusnya.

Namun si monyet itu tidak menyedari yang tupai sedang melihatnya dari dalam rumah. "Oh si monyet rupanya yang mencuri makananku. Nanti, tahulah aku bagaimana mengajar ia," kata tupai di dalam hati.

Dengan tidak membuang masa, tupai mengambil alat penyembur dan menyembur makanannya satu persatu. Sambil bersiul-siul tupai, ia melirik pandang ke arah tempat persembunyian monyet.

Monyet terkejut besar. "Apalah agaknya yang disemburkan oleh tupai? Sudah tentu dia menyemburkan racun. Tentunya makanan aku sudah dicampurkan dengan racun. Aku tidak bodoh. Aku tidak mahu mati kerana si tupai," kata monyet tegas.

Monyet terus membuang makanan-makanan yang masih ada di tangannya. "Mujur aku tidak sempat makan. Dengan tergesa-gesa monyet meninggalkan tempat itu.
"Baguslah sekarang monyet telah pergi, tentu ia marah kalau tahu yang aku hanya menyembur air biasa," kata tupai tersenyum puas.

Tupai merasa amat gembira kerana hari ini ia berjaya mengenakan monyet. Sambil tersenyum ia menanti kedatangan para tetamunya.

Tidak lama selepas itu, kelihatan kawan-kawan tupai datang membawa hadiah untuk tupai. Apabila semuanya telah berkumpul, masing-masing sibuk bertanyakan hal si monyet.

Tupai menceritakan segalanya pada kawan-kawannya. Mereka tertawa mendengar cerita si monyet ditipu.

Gajah yang sedang sibuk makan berkata, "biarkan dia tahu bagaimana seksanya hidup tanpa kawan-kawan dan sering ditipu begini."

Tiba-tiba mereka melihat monyet datang dengan wajah yang muram. la terus mendapatkan tupai dan meminta maaf kepada tupai kerana mencuri makanan. Begitu'juga dengan kawan-kawannya yang lain. Monyet berjanji untuk tidak mencuri lagi dan tidak akan mengasingkan diri dari kawan-kawan yang lain.
Semenjak dari itu si monyet menjadi kawan yang paling baik dan sering membuat kawan-kawan yang lain terhibur dengan telatahnya yang suka berjenaka.

Animation storyline - Story 1

8:14 AM Posted by Kisah Tauladan

Suatu masa dahulu, terdapat sebatang pokok epal yang amat besar. Seorang kanak-kanak lelaki begitu gemar bermain-main di sekitar pokok epal ini setiap hari. Dia memanjat pokok tersebut, memetik serta memakan epal sepuas-puas hatinya, dan adakalanya dia berehat lalu terlelap di perdu pokok epal tersebut. Budak lelaki tersebut begitu menyayangi tempat permainannya. Pokok epal itu juga menyukai budak tersebut.

Masa berlalu... budak lelaki itu sudah besar dan menjadi seorang remaja. Dia tidak lagi menghabiskan masanya setiap hari bermain di sekitar pokok epal tersebut. Namun begitu, suatu hari dia datang kepada pokok epal tersebut dengan wajah yang sedih.

"Marilah bermain-mainlah di sekitarku," ajak pokok epal itu.

"Aku bukan lagi kanak-kanak, aku tidak lagi gemar bermain dengan engkau," jawab budak remaja itu.

"Aku mahukan permainan. Aku perlukan wang untuk membelinya," tambah budak remaja itu dengan nada yang sedih.

Lalu pokok epal itu berkata, "Kalau begitu, petiklah epal-epal yang ada padaku. Jualkannya untuk mendapatkan wang. Dengan itu, kau dapat membeli permainan yang kau inginkan."

Budak remaja itu dengan gembiranya memetik semua epal di pokok itu dan pergi dari situ. Dia tidak kembali lagi selepas itu. Pokok epal itu merasa sedih.

Masa berlalu...

Suatu hari, budak remaja itu kembali. Dia semakin dewasa. Pokok epal itu merasa gembira.

"Marilah bermain-mainlah di sekitarku," ajak pokok epal itu.

"Aku tiada masa untuk bermain. Aku terpaksa bekerja untuk mendapatkan wang. Aku ingin membina rumah sebagai tempat perlindungan untuk keluargaku. Bolehkah kau menolongku?" Tanya budak itu.

"Maafkan aku. Aku tidak mempunyai rumah. Tetapi kau boleh memotong dahan-dahanku yang besar ini dan kau buatlah rumah daripadanya." Pokok epal itu memberikan cadangan.

Lalu, budak yang semakin dewasa itu memotong kesemua dahan pokok epal itu dan pergi dengan gembiranya. Pokok epal itu pun tumpang gembira tetapi kemudiannya merasa sedih kerana budak itu tidak kembali lagi selepas itu.

Suatu hari yang panas, seorang lelaki datang menemui pokok epal itu. Dia sebenarnya adalah budak lelaki yang pernah bermain-main dengan pokok epal itu. Dia telah matang dan dewasa.

"Marilah bermain-mainlah di sekitarku," ajak pokok epal itu.

"Maafkan aku, tetapi aku bukan lagi budak lelaki yang suka bermain-main di sekitarmu. Aku sudah dewasa. Aku mempunyai cita-cita untuk belayar. Malangnya, aku tidak mempunyai bot. Bolehkah kau menolongku?" tanya lelaki itu.

"Aku tidak mempunyai bot untuk diberikan kepada kau. Tetapi kau boleh memotong batang pokok ini untuk dijadikan bot. Kau akan dapat belayar dengan gembira," cadang pokok epal itu.

Lelaki itu merasa amat gembira dan menebang batang pokok epal itu. Dia kemudiannya pergi dari situ dengan gembiranya dan tidak kembali lagi selepas itu.

Namun begitu, pada suatu hari, seorang lelaki yang semakin dimamah usia, datang menuju pokok epal itu. Dia adalah budak lelaki yang pernah bermain di sekitar pokok epal itu.

"Maafkan aku. Aku tidak ada apa-apa lagi nak diberikan kepada kau. Aku sudah memberikan buahku untuk kau jual, dahanku untuk kau buat rumah, batangku untuk kau buat bot. Aku hanya ada tunggul dengan akar yang hampir mati..." kata pokok epal itu dengan nada pilu.

"Aku tidak mahu epalmu kerana aku sudah tiada bergigi untuk memakannya, aku tidak mahu dahanmu kerana aku sudah tua untuk memotongnya, aku tidak mahu batang pokokmu kerana aku berupaya untuk belayar lagi, aku merasa penat dan ingin berehat," jawab lelaki tua itu.

"Jika begitu, berehatlah di perduku," cadang pokok epal itu.

Lalu lelaki tua itu duduk berehat di perdu pokok epal itu dan berehat. Mereka berdua menangis kegembiraan.

Apr 26, 2015

Tutorial video

Assalamualaikum... haii guys... (KOM 3283 & MME 3013)

As you guys begged me to have a tutorial on video part (^_^)... so here we go...
as for the tutorial you need to

1. shoot 4 scenes...  ( as you can make a sequel story as combining it all) -
 (4 babak untuk mewujudkan 1 jalan penceritaan) - tak kesah nak cite pasal ape pon

2. in the sequel  you need to put all this element when you edit it in Sony Vegas
  • add transition
  • slow motion effect
  • add text for title
3. after finished it.. do upload in your blog or wix..

 4. you may check this tutorial below to help you in the editing...

good luck...

HCI Assignment

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day guys... ^_^

as i am not conducting class for a few days... here we go for the assignment... Lets sing a long...

Assignment requirement                                                                                                            60 Marks

Assignment type : Group ( Only 2 person in a group)
Type of submission : Report and upload in the dropbox
Dateline : 12 May 2015

This is the first team assignment. This week, your team will develop a blueprint of any application or product of your interest. Your team needs to flesh out your design ideas by creating a point of view, seeking inspiration, storyboarding, and making paper prototypes.

Part 1
Background research - 10 marks
Write a description of the topic you are addressing – your topic interest.  (1 paragraph = 2.5  points). Your research need to cover the topic below…
·                     Describe the problem have you seen
·                     Why this matter need to improvised -  Clearly state the issue with the existing interface.
·                     Why this topic is so important,
                                                                     -  Scope of the issue (who is affected by it and how) - Identify why you think improving the interface would address the issues.
It should clearly express the problem/opportunity. And it should make clear what a good solution would accomplish.

Part 2

 Proposed Interface Design – 20 marks

                                 i.            Describe your design and discuss it leverages the literature references from the background research had been conducted.

                               ii.            You need to come up with two different design ideas that address/engage your point of view. Illustrate each of these ideas with a storyboard.
Each storyboard should comprise 2- 3 panels, see examples

P/s: Remember that the two storyboards should diverge, meaning that they each represent different design ideas that address the same point of view.

Part 3

Build 2 Paper Prototypes- 30 marks

You need to make paper prototype for both design. Record or make a video on how your product will be operate with the paper prototype you created. Upload the video in your “Dropbox” and send your video link to my email  : 

You may use this link to download and install the dropbox apps in your PC’s.
Dropbox link :

Click the link for example of paper prototype

Example 1 : Paper prototype
Example 2 : paper prototype

Example 3 : Paper prototype

click here to download : assignment guideline PDF format : 

Apr 22, 2015

Apr 16, 2015

Tutorial KOM3283 Pembangunan Multimedia

hye guys... check it out our new tutorial... plss watch this tutorial  & download this working file

  Video Tutorial

 Working File

Apr 13, 2015

Notes CH 5 - sound

New notes Do download Chapter 5 - Sound

Blog link

To All
Please make sure your blog URL listed here..