
Nov 13, 2011


Killer Date

Di atas permintaan ramai...
DATELINE untuk semua assignment telah di keluarkan....
kena siapkan sume assignment

make it possible..

assignment DATE LINE``Computer Studies``

Guide line for Computer Studies assignment...

u have to submit:

All Ai Tutorial
All PSD Tutorial

Illustrator :
Deforestation logo (Poster)
Type of submission : softcopy (AI file) and hardcopy (printed)
Size : A3 ~ place on mounting board

Photoshop :
choose one from the title i gave u before
type of submission : softcopy (PSD file) and hardcopy (printed)
size A3 ~place on mounting board

Mounting measurement:

For all PSD and AI files... you have burn it in the CD ( every student must submit their own CD to me)

Dateline : 18 NOVEMBER 2011

Nov 12, 2011

assignment DATE LINE``Design History``

ok... this is Design History guide line

Assignment 1 : Seni di Malaysia 10%
[presentation (group of two) = 5% ,
report (individual) = 5%] DONE

Assignment 2 : ancient writing 10% DONE
Student have to invent an ancient writing based ancient writing criteria.

Assignment 3 : art history timeline 20% (group of 2 person)

in this assignment, student need to come out with creative timeline for every era they had learn in the class.
in the timeline, student must tells about what kind of style, art characteristics, artist, and any special or unique or criteria of the era.

Dateline :28 November 2011 before 5.30

Test : 10% DONE



CNM 2013 - Visual communication

ASSIGNMENT guide line.

Assignment 1 :‘Scrap book’= 20%

In this scrap book, student must explain about the element of art which is
LINE, SHAPE, FORM, VALUE, SPACE, COLOR and TEXTURE by using your creativity, every student must elaborate this element of art and give examples for every of each.

type of submission : hard copy

Date Line: 14 November 2011(MONDAY before 5.30 PM) jgn nak mengada, Its shud be submitted on 28/10 rite?... sy igt.. don’t fool me..

Assignment 2: Mug 15%

For Assignment 2 Student must express their thought about DNM program by creating DNM logo...

Student must sketch the logo and perform it on the mug..

Type of submission: product

Date line: 19 Oct 2011 - DONE!!

Assignment 3 : Poster 15%

Students have to sketch 2 posters
i) Cintai Bahasa…

ii) Deforestation - student have to create a logo about saving the world and stop deforestation. Student need to do some research about what is deforestation and how to prevent our world from any harm.

Type of submission:
Sketch and place on the mounting board (Size: A4)
Mounting board measurement:

Date line : 15 NOVEMBER 2011 before 5.30 PM

Assignment 4: slide show 15%

Students need to shoot photos about element of art in the real world.
You need to define all the element of art that are around you and present it on the slide show.

Type of submission: slide show (burn on DVD) –
Name your folder with your fullname_ID
E.g. (SARAHNUR_1061106543)

Dateline: 16 November 2011 before 5.30 PM

Project: Illustration book 30%

Student need to create one character and produce an illustration book about that character.

The minimum page: 3 pages ~ no maximum pages..

Type of submission: You may paint this illustration book or printed out,

*but if you do it by AI or Photoshop you must submit your Ai or PSD file
by burn it on the CD then attach together with the book.

p/s: The more creativity you put in this project.. the more marks you will get..

The final projects need to be submitted latest by 22 November 2011 before 5.30 PM

late submission mark deduction:
-1 marks after 5.30pm
-5 marks after one day
-10 marks after 3 days of due date
no marks on day 4th and the following days...

Nov 9, 2011

Design History chapter 08 ~ chapter 10

notes for Design History...
click to download... no password protected